Saturday, May 23, 2009


I am EMO BLUE.I may have been EMO BLUE before the word EMO was even created.It is a dark sad feeling that possesses your soul,sometimes for no reason,sometimes with good cause.An overwhelming feeling of metaphoric melancholia that makes you sad inside and you have trouble expressing your feelings and thus makes you even MORE blue,EMO BLUE.The effect is there,some people cry or get depressed. Some hold it inside like a dark dirty secret because they are embarrassed to admit their feelings because "people" aren't suppose to "act or feel" that way.Others use humor to mask these sad intense manifestations that dwell inside.I am one of the latter....

I learned a long time ago,you attract more with honey than with vinegar.Thus I have designed a character that will laugh,even though I may be crying inside.My two best friends are the same way and we see right through each other,and know when it's time to talk.A true unspoken virtue of our friendship,perhaps that is what makes "best friends".We have walked many paths together some using different trails,but we have a mutual respect for each others feelings and dealings with life.

Emos have a similar bond.They have this greater understanding that reflects in their music,dress and character.Sometimes it is a deep enriching feeling that not everyone understands.But it is there,everywhere,just some people ignore or wish to ignore it's existence.Sometimes they are accused of being too sensitive.But sensitivity is art.The reflection is there,to be shared,either by drawing,music,fashion or feeling.This is the essence of the kindred human soul.

Maybe we tend to analyze things too deeply,getting affected by the effect of beauty or sadness.Maybe this can be a good thing,to be able to understand and build from feeling.Sometimes it can be a torment of inner emotional toil.Taking the time for personal inspection of reflection will prosper the soul to become whole.I am EMO BLUE.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Favorite Pot

It's true,I like my pot!
My favorite is my 2quart Wagnerware Magnalite which is one of the best investments I have ever made.I discovered this pot sitting innocently along with the others at a local resale shop about 5 years ago.Little did I know it would bring me such happiness,with it's plain but solid thick form with thick black ribbed handle.Just another pot, not unique,but I was impressed with the basic esthetics.Although it appeared a little weathered from use,a true bargain at just two dollars.

It was later at home I discovered the mystery of the pot.You can't burn anything in it!I've ruined pots in the past,or had a devil of a time trying to clean up a mess that was inadvertently created by blunder.Not this one!Caked on chili crust to stuck noodles comes off with ease!I've never owned such a miraculous pot.I heats evenly, water comes to a boil quickly.Food that would take double the time to prepare,heats in a jiffy is what makes this pot revolutionary.

Looking into the history,I discovered that this pot has been made since the 1950's through the 1980's with little change in appearance.I saw a similar used Wagnerware Magnalite retail for twenty-eight dollars at an online resale shoppe.I hope to acquire a whole set.If company is coming for dinner,I just don't sit there ,I get out the pot!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Other Mother In My Life

The other mother in my life is my dog,Sybil.She was blessed with seven puppies,six girls and one boy,January 25,2007.Born all healthy and vibrant,it's truely a miracle,birth.The creation of life is amazing,and I am glad I was there to experience it.

It was the wee hours of the morning and Sybil started pacing and wandering.She looked at me as if wondering if I knew what was happening to her.I knew, I had never experienced an animal giving birth,but I knew this was the time.I tried to calm her and pet her and let her know things were going to be all right.She looked at me with her trusting blue eyes and I could almost feel that she could understand me.

Through out the night and into the morning,one by one,I saw new life enter this world.I created a whelping box in which to put the puppies,which she would constantly check on.I affirmed her through out the night that everything was going to be okay,as I swept my hand on her smooth coat,and spoke softly to her.The last puppy was born about ten thirty a.m..Sybil laid exhausted.I brought her some fresh water and some food.She drank but was too tired to eat and then went in the box to cuddle her new family.She looked up at me amazed and so proud of what had happened.I was the one that was truly amazed and proud.

My Mom Wasn't June Cleaver

My mother was a product of a new revolution.Growing up at a time when most women either became homemakers or went to college only to become homemakers.My mother desired to be more,a lot more.Her mother passed on when she was in her twenties,so it was put up to my mother to step in and attempt to take up where she had no real clue as to what to do.

My grandmother was a very industrious and busy woman who never had time to teach her girls the fundamentals of running a house.Running a household back in the late forties ,early fifties wasn't an easy task,and my grandmother often didn't have the patience to teach her daughters the basics of cooking,sewing or cleaning.Helping my grandfather at his business,my mother was unprepared to step in and fill the shoes of homemaker.Feeling daunted,she did what she knew best,attended business college,moved to Cleveland and started a career in real estate,insurance and selling cemetery lots.As she often said,she had life covered in all angles with her careers.Being a business woman in the 1950's was almost unheard of and she was a fore runner of what would later would be called "woman's lib"in the late sixties.Romance was a part of her life but the thought of marriage never occurred as she kept herself busy with her career,until she met my father.

They were married on a March 17th,St.Patrick's Day,her favorite holiday.She became pregnant and tried to settle in with the idea of being a typical housewife and mother.My father had a decent job and life was good.She learned some basic cooking skills,some of her own recipes are classic,such as tuna noodle casserole,using just one pot.Cleaning house was a challenge as her eye sight became blurred by cataracts and we employed a cleaning woman.They also employed a young hire to help take care of me as I understand "things were beginning to change" with her body.

By the time I was seven,she had eye surgery and had completed her cycle of life.She was also ready to start a new chapter.She went back to school and got her real estate license again and wanted to get back to a more familiar turf.We kept the cleaning lady,an older Polish lady named Sharri,who taught my mom some European recipes and gave her tips to keep things in the home orderly.My mom sprang back to something she really loved. Although her career wasn't as ambitious as when she was single,it gave her great satisfaction.She also taught me how to horseback ride, play golf,the beauty of theatre,and basically love life.How life's little indiscretions can't leave you down,turn them around.

Although she is gone now,I still have fond memories of how she did remind me of June Cleaver,by the way she dressed and carried herself,but not with the homemaker flair.She was better at selling homes,and actually looked more like Rosalind Russell.She did have good taste and could always pick a winner.She always said nobody,not any other man, could top my dad.He helped her live her dream.She lived her dream,and I am ever grateful she was my mom.

I miss you,I miss you both~ HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ~